All Organs of State, public entities.
Any private enterprise that undertakes business with a public entity.
Any business providing goods or services to another business that is subject to B-BBEE Compliance required to provide evidence of its own B-BBEE compliance.
The size of your business is significant in determining the required levels of B-BBEE compliance. The codes provide for three levels of compliance based on the size of your business:
Exempted Micro Enterprises (EMEs)Businesses with annual revenue under R10 million or less than 1 year old qualify as Exempt Micro Enterprises and can automatically receive a B-BBEE Level 4 rating, which can be further improved with 51% black ownership.
Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs)Qualifying Small Enterprises are SMEs with an annual turnover between R10 million and R50 million. All 5 B-BBEE elements must be met by QSEs.
Generic Entities (GENs)South African Companies with revenues over R50 million, they need to comply with each of the 5 elements of the B-BBEE scorecard.
Foreign companies and multinational corporations need to be measured according to B-BBEE standards.
Our methodology is sophisticated and aligned with current times...
We guarantee protection of confidentiality of information to which...
Conducting business ethically is at the core of our operations...
We have an open mind approach when verifying client evidence and...